The Nari Dana Production Centre was officially opened on 20 October 2017. The Nari Dana project, CRS’s social enterprise, which employs slum women trained in sewing and embroidery to make products for sale in India and overseas, has been gathering momentum over the last few years.
There is now a dedicated space for the women to make their products, equipped with a set of new sewing machines thanks to financial support from the German Consulate of Kolkata.
The inauguration started with an opening prayer by Rev Nigel Pope, Presbyter of St Paul’s Cathedral and the Vice Chairman of CRS. Mr. Jürgen Thomas Schrod, the Deputy Consul General from the German Consulate then assisted Rev Pope in cutting the ribbon to open the centre.
This was followed by a traditional lamp lighting ceremony by the guests and members of CRS Executive Committee, signifying the ray of hope that Nari Dana brings to the lives of the women.
After Rev James Gomes, Assistant Presbyter of St Paul’s Cathedral, had blessed the new workspace, the women were delighted to show the guests a range of their products.