Set up in memory of Gabrina Kaur Basra (Gabbi), a supporter of CRS, the Gabbi Bursary Fund will enable several students in Kolkata to further their education. This will happen through a holistic sponsorship programme that provides financial assistance to bright students who lack the resources to complete their education. The programme will also provide mentorship to prospective bright yet needy municipal school students. It serves as an incentive for parents to continue the education of their children and as a motivation for students themselves to keep studying.
At present, twelve students have been carefully selected from CRS schools to benefit from the scheme. They will each be financially supported through their primary studies in private and government schools. In addition, four former CRS students who have graduated high school have started a year-long diploma course in hotel management (a six-month course and six-month internship) at the Bishop Canning College of Management and Administration in Kolkata, accredited by City and Guilds.
It is hoped that the programme will run on an annual basis, offering many more talented students the opportunity to reach their potential and to find employment in the future. CRS is honoured that Gabbi’s family have chosen to remember Gabbi through this project, and is grateful for the significant generosity of so many at Derby High School who have made donations in her memory.
Gabbi visited Kolkata with a group of fellow sixth-formers from Derby High School in October 2019. They spent time at various CRS schools teaching English and doing fun activities with the children. You can watch the wonderful video the group made to commemorate their visit here.
Tragically, Gabbi passed away in 2021. An online fundraising page was set up by her family and friends in her memory, with proceeds generously going to CRS.
Gabbi was a beautiful, intelligent and kind person who was deeply touched by the people she encountered on her visit to Kolkata, and by the potential of the young people she met through CRS. This scheme seems a very fitting way to remember her and give thanks for her life, and we look forward to updating you in due course on the progress of the participants and their hopes for the future.