Wedding guests donate over £1,000 to CRS

Anashua and Robert Davies from Sidcup, Kent, were married recently. Their wedding guests were invited to donate money to two chosen charities rather than give the couple gifts. We are absolutely delighted that CRS was one of those charities and overwhelmed by the generosity of their friends and family who gave over £1,000 towards the work of CRS in Kolkata. Congratulations to Ana and Robert, and thank you!

Spare change for BIG change

The Canadian Friends of CCRS held their annual Penny Pot Tea at St Mary’s Church, Kerrisdale on 14 March. Around 50 supporters came along and the “penny pots” were collected. A total of 1,924 Canadian dollars had been raised through the year as people had put loose change in their pots. All of this money will be transferred to CRS in Kolkata to be spent where the need is greatest. Thanks to the Canadian Friends for all their fundraising efforts!